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White Paper|Highly Cost-effective Memory Debugging Tool EZ-Debug

By August 31, 2023February 19th, 2024No Comments

In the rapidly evolving IC industry, ensuring that ICs conform to design specifications and functionalities is indispensable and vital in the development and manufacturing processes. Thus, the IC industry extensively adopts automatic test equipment (ATE) to conduct testing tasks. However, in the past, dealing with small batches or non-mass-produced chip testing often required the use of ATE machines, which came with additional costs and lengthy testing times.

Recently, iSTART-TEK has developed a JTAG-to-USB debugging tool called EZ-Debug, based on the PC platform. This tool enables fast and efficient testing for non-mass-produced chips and chips under development. It not only reduces costs associated with ATE testing but also provides real-time insight into debugging results.