Dividends and Stock Price
The dividend policy of iSTART-TEK is based on the current and future development plans, considering the investment environment, capital needs, domestic and international competition, and the interests of shareholders. The annual distribution of distributable earnings to shareholders as dividends must not be less than 10%. However, if the accumulative distributable earnings are less than 10% of the paid-up capital, no dividend will be distributed. The distribution of shareholder dividends can be paid either in cash or stocks, of which the cash dividends are not less than 10% of the total shareholder dividends.
Dividend distribution over the years
- Please visit the Market Observation Post System.
- Enter the stock symbol: 6786, and then press Search.
Stock price inquiry
- Please visit the website of Taipei Exchange (TPEx) to check the stock price of iSTART-TEK.
- Enter the stock symbol: 6786, and then select the year and month to be queried.