Environmental protection policy

Environmental protection is an important part of corporate social responsibility, and iSTART-TEK is committed to the implementation of environmental protection policies based on energy saving, carbon reduction, and water conservation.

iSTART-TEK is a professional silicon intellectual property (IP) company. The Company does not engage in production or the manufacturing of physical products; therefore, it does not generate manufacturing-related waste. In general, the waste produced is primarily domestic waste, which is divided into general waste (including kitchen waste) and recyclable waste. The employees gather waste in the temporary storage area, and then the property management agency coordinates qualified waste cleaning company to transport the waste to incineration plant for treatment.

(Unit : NTD)

Quantitative indicator Unit 2018 2019 2020
Electricity usage Cost/year 216,923 226,640 318,775
Water consumption Cost/year 2,618 3,023 10,822
Total energy consumption Cost/year 219,541 229,663 329,597

Energy saving and carbon reduction measures

The employees of iSTART-TEK comply with the following policies:

  1. Take carpooling for business trips or public transportation for long-distance business trips to save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions.
  2. Energy saving and carbon reduction in offices: Turn off air conditioning system, lights, personal computers and unused electrical equipment in the office area when getting off work.
  3. Reduce the use of paper to protect trees: Choose double-sided printing, re-utilize the back side of paper, recycle shredded paper, and implement online document management system.