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News|iSTART-TEK Demonstrates Customers’ Successful Mass Production at ICCAD

By November 22, 2024November 26th, 2024No Comments

iSTART-TEK will participate in ICCAD (Shanghai IC 2024 Annual Industrial Development Forum & the 30th China IC Design Industry Exhibition) on December 11–12, 2024. At the event, we will showcase customers’ successfully mass-produced products enabled by iSTART-TEK solutions.

1.Automotive Electronics Application Series
iSTART-TEK’s customers have applied iSTART-TEK’s EDA tool, START (an SRAM testing and repair circuit development environment), to automotive-related chips, including driver ICs, power management ICs, and high-performance automotive-grade safety ICs. The end-product applications cover automotive instrument panels, CIDs (Center Information Displays), HUDs (Heads-Up Displays), C-V2X, intelligent automotive cockpits, dashcams, and other automotive configurations.

2.Consumer Product Series
iSTART-TEK’s customers have applied START and EZ-BIST to chips for consumer products, including controller ICs and IoT security authentication ICs. The end-product applications cover laptops (Huawei, Lenovo, Google), domain controllers, monitors, and other consumer goods.

START can help customers enhances chip yield through its patented SRAM repair technology, while EZ-BIST fully satisfies the requirements for controlling DPPM in consumer chips. Furthermore, iSTART-TEK’s TEC (Testing Elements Change), developed under a patented architecture, allows chip developers to achieve precise DPPM control by modifying SRAM testing algorithms via JTAG or SPI interfaces after the CP stage.

Recently, iSTART-TEK’s products have also been applied to NPUs, and more AI-related chips are expected to adopt iSTART-TEK’s memory testing and repair solutions in the future.
