Monthly Revenue
Month | Revenue (Unit : NT$ 1,000) | YOY |
Jan | 168 | -95.90% |
Feb | 1,580 | 1144.09% |
Mar | 2,057 | 168.89% |
Apr | 125 | 999999.99% |
May | 1,469 | 146.06% |
Jun | 2,233 | -40.02% |
Jul | 304 | -93.42% |
Aug | 74 | -98.74% |
Sep | 1,325 | -69.68% |
Oct | 534 | -89.26 |
Nov | 74 | -98.05 |
Dec | 213 | -96.95 |
Total | 10,157 | -74.57% |
* Please refer to MOPS' announcements for the actual number.
Month | Revenue (Unit : NT$ 1,000) | YOY |
Jan | 3,723 | 55.06% |
Jul | 4,623 | 0.00% |
Aug | 5,888 | 436.25% |
Sep | 4,370 | 448.99% |
Oct | 4,974 | 278.83% |
Nov | 3,786 | 999999.99% |
Dec | 6,995 | 95.45% |
Total | 3,9945 | 258.19% |
* Please refer to MOPS' announcements for the actual number.