iSTART-TEK has successfully obtained the U.S. patent for “METHOD FOR GENERATING A MEMORY BUILT-IN SELF-TEST ALGORITHM CIRCUIT”! iSTART-TEK’s self-developed User-Defined Algorithm (UDA) adopts the architecture outlined in this patent.
Commonly used memory testing algorithms on the market currently exhibit behaviors of repetitive testing, requiring additional testing time and costs. Simultaneously, with the continuous evolution of technology, advanced manufacturing processes are consistently emerging. Existing algorithms may not be capable of detecting memory defects in these advanced processes, failing to meet the demands of staying up-to-date.
iSTART-TEK’s new patent can effectively addresses this situation. By utilizing UDA, redundant elements can be eliminated. Users can edit algorithm files, define memory locations, significantly reducing memory testing time. Additionally, UDA allows the design of more complex and area-efficient memory testing algorithms, offering greater flexibility and diversity.
After obtaining a Taiwanese patent in 2022, this technology successfully secured a U.S. patent in October 2023. This not only acknowledges iSTART-TEK’s research and development capabilities but also instills confidence in its ability to assist customers in resolving memory testing challenges and improving design and production efficiency.