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iStart Class

Episode 5: iSTART-TEK Tech Support Services

By November 9, 2023July 17th, 2024No Comments

Service Introduction
iSTART-TEK’s customer service covers both online and offline categories. Starting with online services, through the official website of iSTART-TEK, you can browse technical articles, download documents, or participate in technical forums. These resources help you understand the usage methods, features, and applicable scenarios of iSTART-TEK’s products. We also hold webinars and release “iSTART Class” videos from time to time, introducing different topics to help you quickly grasp the core principles of MBIST. Moving on to offline services, offline services provide actual technical support, including telephone, email, and direct technical communication with the R&D team. Even on-site support by R&D personnel is available to assist with problem-solving or to provide educational training on tool usage. Additionally, we regularly hold physical technical seminars where customers can experience our solutions firsthand and have their questions answered by multiple experts on-site.

Customer Evaluation Methods 
The customer evaluation methods include: remote connection to the customer’s workstation for operation assistance by our R&D personnel, customers directly installing our tools for operation on their workstations, and providing netlist files or .memlib files for us to run and simulate the tools. Regardless of the evaluation method you choose, iSTART-TEK will provide technical support services to ensure a smooth evaluation process.

Technical Support Contact Channels
If you need to contact us, in addition to the contact email and company phone number on the official website, you can reach out to us through social media platforms such as WeChat, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. No matter which method you choose, we will respond to your needs promptly.

Main Advantages of iSTART-TEK 
The advantages of iSTART-TEK lie in its flexible customized services, immediate technical support, and a professional R&D team. Our customized services can add new features or adjust the testing process on the standard version according to customer needs. When customers encounter problems, technical support and R&D personnel will provide assistance at the earliest opportunity to ensure the high efficiency and timeliness of IC design. Furthermore, iSTART-TEK has local FAEs who can provide customers with faster local services.
