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iStart Class

Episode 3: Static Faults & Dynamic Faults

By September 12, 2023July 17th, 2024No Comments

Definitions of Static Faults and Dynamic Faults
Static faults are errors/malfunctions that can be detected in a single operation and may occur in various processes. For instance, if a memory cell is unable to change and perpetually outputs 0, it represents a static fault. Dynamic faults, on the other hand, require multiple operations under specific conditions to be revealed. They are commonly found in advanced processes. A dynamic fault occurs when a memory cell only produces an error after a series of read/write operations under certain conditions.

Differences Between Static Faults and Dynamic Faults
Static faults and dynamic faults represent two distinct types of memory errors. The primary difference between them is the way the faults are presented. Static faults are evident and can be discovered in a single operation, whereas dynamic faults necessitate specific conditions and multiple operations to become apparent.

Identifying Faults Through Algorithms
March C is an algorithm that can be utilized to detect static faults in memory. It performs a series of read/write operations that induce state changes in memory cells and verifies the correctness of the previous state after each operation. If an error emerges at a particular step, it signifies the presence of a static fault. March C employs a specific sequence of operations to swiftly pinpoint memory issues identifiable in a single operation. In contrast, March 33N is designed to uncover dynamic faults and is relatively more complex. It uses a series of read/write operations and specific steps to induce changes in memory cells over multiple operations. After each operation, the algorithm conducts read operations to search for any faults. If memory errors manifest after a particular operation, it indicates the existence of a dynamic fault.

Memory Testing Algorithms and Methods
Beyond the array of algorithms, various testing methods are employed during inspections. For example, the checkerboard testing method involves writing “0” and “1” alternately between memory cells, followed by read operations to detect errors. This approach is adept at identifying dynamic faults that only become triggered after a series of operations.
